Saturday, 9 January 2016

Patrick's 112 Fingers Identified!

Patrick has supplied a set of answers to his Competition which identify all the paintings. Many thanks to Patrick for providing the answers.


Anonymous said...

I am unable to access Patrick's answers. With my computer I am not seeing any image or text. Is it possible to post a text list as Jenny has done?

Tom Jolliffe said...

O.K. Will do.

Tom Jolliffe said...

Patrick Many thanks for letting us all into your Christmas puzzle. As I said in another post, I was not able to identify two of them and I put in pretty serious efforts to do so. In that sense, it was bang in the Tom Lubbock tradition.

Jenny said...

Thank you, Patrick. That was fun. There were several I did not get. Good to see a Zurbarán there, as often was the case in the old days. I remember the first Lubbock Details that I ever did had one, from a still life, and it stumped me for ages.