A correspondent has sent a Christmas style competition to me which he made for his father who was, like the rest of us, very disappointed to miss the Independent's annual festive puzzle. He is content for it to be put here so that anyone wanting to hone their skills can do so. Thank you very much, Patrick, and I am sure that we will all wish you both a relaxing holiday.
I have left the title as it was, but I have not checked the number of fingers. Knowing Details enthusiasts, I'd be very surprised if it is not correct.
Patrick has the answers which he will no doubt send to me so that I can publish them after Christmas. I always thought that the wait was too long, being at the end of January normally, so I propose to put up the answers on Sunday 10th January.
But there is no prize. For one thing, I believe that I would have to get a licence to run a competition!
However I shall publish the names of the "winners", that is those who found all the correct answers, or those who found the highest number of correct answers. Send these to vonthoma@yahoo.com by noon on 6th January, 2016. There are no prizes, just acclamation by the readers of this blog.