Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Details returns to normal

After the challenge of the 16 detail Christmas Competition which lingered long after Christmas, we return to the more sedate single detail weekly puzzle. I wonder if others have noticed that there are more details from 19th and 20th centuries and very few now from the Renaissance period.  


Anonymous said...

The reason why there are so few Details from the Renaissance to the 18th century is that Jenny Gilbert regularly sues one book as the source of her weekly Details. I will not name the book but over 50 images have come from this tome since JG took over from the late Tom Lubbock.

Tom Jolliffe said...

Thank you for this comment. It is something that I have long suspected. However, I wonder if the infamous Number 9 from the Christmas Details Competition was in this volume?

Anonymous said...

No, the elusive number 9 was not in this book.