This was another detail that eluded me, though it seemed somehow familiar.
This turned out to be by George Frederick Watts. It is one of several versions of Time, Death and Judgement.
Tomorrow, the Christmas Competition will be published. It will be interesting to see if it will be as difficult as last year's. Normally, there are one or two details which entrants state were the hardest to find.
This turned out to be by George Frederick Watts. It is one of several versions of Time, Death and Judgement.
Tomorrow, the Christmas Competition will be published. It will be interesting to see if it will be as difficult as last year's. Normally, there are one or two details which entrants state were the hardest to find.
The 2013 Competition is not difficult. However, I still have to identify one detail.
The detail was from a painting by George Frederick Watts. This is in the Art Institute of Chicago, but Jenny Gilbert does not include this fact. A significant number of her choices are from the AIC. Well found those winners this week! One I think has entered over a long period of time but has not had a win for many a long moon.
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